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ABOUT Canada Property Listing is Canada's most comprehensive local guide serving people with instant solutions for just about anything. You can find all kinds of things about Canada including, information, statistics, history, fax, business, industry, education, shopping etc.. all in one location. Our on-line experts guide users seeking help on any local issues around the clock! You can ask a general question or a personalized question and your query will be forwarded to the experts and will be answered on an instant basis.

Asking questions at is very simple, you could post your problem without revealing your identity. Simply register and keep your identity hidden behind a screen name if you do not want to disclose your information publicly. This way when one of our expert answers your query, you will still be notified by email. You can also join as a regular member to become one of our experts and help out the millions of visitors to Canada and you fellow Canadians ah!

Whether you live in Canada, or are planning to visit the country and are looking for instant help from local experts, is the ultimate help Centre for the solution of all your problems including day-to-day issues, professional growth, business issues, educational concerns or just about anything. When you post your query (with proper descriptions), our expert guides will provide you accurate answers, instant solutions and quick guides I just about any topic related to Canada.

If you have exceptional knowledge about Canada or anything within a province or city, would welcome you in the list of our experts! Join now to become part of and start helping people today!